Monday, April 13, 2009


These resources are good for equipping a new believer in the areas of evangelism and discipleship:


The Way of the Master—by Ray Comfort (DVD-Basics or book by Ray Comfort); This evangelism training is unique in that it is the only one that I know of that uses the law of God as a dagger to the conscience of the human heart. Most evangelistic training courses advocate telling the person they are a sinner, but none advocate the direct use of the law (Calvin’s 1st use of the law). There is a serious different between someone acknowledging "Yeah no one is perfect. Sure, I'm a sinner." and having their mouth stopped because they realize they've sinned against the God who created them. Yes, the Spirit of God must do the work, but He is pleased to use word of God and specifically the law of God to do it. They have a simple acrostic WDJD: Would you consider yourself a good person? Do you think you’ve kept the 10 commandments? Judgment—If God judged you on the basis of the commandments would you be innocent of guilty? Destiny—Do you think you would go to heaven or hell? If they believe hell, then you can proceed to give the glorious good news. I highly recommend it. The videos are simple and well done. Excellent for a new Christian or any Christian.
Today’s Gospel: Authentic or Synthetic by Walter Chantry. This is a helpful exposition of Jesus’ encounter with the rich young ruler. Jesus’ use of the law and call to repentance exposes the synthetic gospel of most evangelicals today. Most modern evangelical would have had the rich, young, ruler saying the prayer or walking the isles only to eventually find out as Bunyan said years ago ‘that there is a way to hell from the gates of heaven.’ Chantry exposes the modern gospel in a simple and easy read.
Six Step to Talking About Jesus DVD/Study Guide by Matthias Media—a helpful course to believers to get out there and start telling people about Jesus.
Six Steps to Encouragement DVD/Study guide by Matthias Media/Gorden Cheng (also Cheng’s book called Encouragement—God’s Word Changes Us and Through Us It Can Change Others Too. This is the motto of the course. It is simple, but lifechanging were everyone in the body of Christ to take it to heart. This course is about personal ministry or discipleship within the body.
Ready to Restore by Jay Adams—helpful intro to discipleship counseling to all people within the body of Christ. For too long the church has prostituted the role of spiritual physicians to people in white coats rather than sages immersed in the Word of God.

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