Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Commentaries on Ephesians

OK, so I'm a lazy blogger and its been a long time since I last posted. Well, here I am and after just finishing 1 1/2 years studying the book of Ephesians, I thought I would comment on commentaries that I used while studying the book. Hopefully, it is edifying to those who might study Ephesians in the future.

Harold Hoehner-He has 2 commentaries on Ephesians. One in the Bible Knowledge series and his magnum opus exegetical commentary. I believe his exegetical commentary is the best out there on detailed exegesis. Lincoln is also good, but pretty liberal and I can't stand the formatting of the Word Biblical Commentary series. Hoehner is conservative and labors to be precise and accurate in his exegesis. The Bible Knowledge commentary is also helpful to get a quick summary of Hoehner's interpretation on the passage.

P. T. Obrien "Pillar NT Commentary-Obrien is an excellent NT scholar. Anything the guy writes is worth buying. He is from the land down under and teach at Moore Theological Seminary in Sydney. His commentary is in the Pillar series and not as detailed in exegesis as Hoehner (consistent with other Pillar commentaries), but he always does well in drawing out the meaning of the text with some helpful exegetical footnotes.

John Stott "God's New Society"-Stott as always is masterful in giving a survey of the text and getting at the meaning. He has a gift for explaining the text in a small economy of words. If you are going to study or preaching through Stott, he is accessible to layman, pastor, and scholar alike. Stott's position on women in home is a little weak. Seems almost to apologize for what the Scripture says, but other than that it is an excellent commentary.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones-This is a 8 volume series of sermons on Ephesians. Yes, that wasn't a typo 8 volumes. He is arguably the greatest preacher of the 20th Century. He is gifted at mining a nugget of truth from the text and upholding it throughout the whole sermon (or chapter). The challenge of reading through MLJ is that I would have to read about 100 pages/sermon that I would preach. And I preached 73 sermons in the book of Ephesians! But it's all worth it because I would always find some nugget or some way in which he states a truth that was very helpful. His section on "Sealing in the Spirit" I don't agree with but is worth reading.

I'll stop there and comment on some more commentaries later.